Period Poverty

Learn more about this silent public health issue in this video. I share my experiences with this issue and how United Way of Southern Nevada is working to address this issue.


86% of teens have reported in a survey have missed class time or know someone who missed class time due to not having access to period supplies
— Days for Girls

What is period poverty?

According to the United Nations, nearly 1.25 billion people live in extreme poverty and struggle to meet their basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. However, there is a critical need that often goes unnoticed and shrouded in shame - period poverty.

Period poverty is defined as not having adequate access to menstrual hygiene products (pads,tampons etc), washing facilities to manage periods, or education about periods. Students, people who are homeless, and those with disabilities are at particularly higher risk of experiencing period poverty.

What negative effects do period poverty have?

Imagine you are having heavy blood flow due your period, but you don’t have a pad or tampon to manage it. You try toilet paper or maybe even a rag, but because those item are not really meant to absorb the blood, it inevitably leaks on your clothes.

For men, I often use this analogy: Imagine your nose starts to bleed uncontrollably , but you have no tissues to manage it. Would you want to go to work like this?

Periods on average last up to 5 days. Can you miss 5 days a month straight of school or work?

This is the impact period poverty has on these women/girls.Where there is poverty, there is period poverty, and being unable to manage their periods adequately keeps them in the cycle of poverty. Girls miss important exams causing them to not do well in their classes. Women miss opportunities to be promoted or even are let go from work due to excessive absences. Period poverty hold women and girls back from reaching their full potential.

Negative impact period poverty has on a woman in the workforce

  • Wage Loss

  • Supervisor disapproval

  • Absenteeism

  • Decrese confidence and dignity

  • Difficulty focusing or performing as normal at work

Why haven’t i heard about this issue?

This issue is not talked about enough due to the stigma surrounding periods. There are many people in society who feel periods are “dirty” and it is considered a taboo topic. This leads to women and girls to staying quiet about the topic or being ashamed to be even having periods. Women and girls who are suffering from period poverty are too embarrassed to seek help and ask for the period supplies they need, leading to period poverty being a silent public health issue.

What are the Causes of period poverty?

Mainly socioeconomic disparities and gender inequality: Women and girls from low-income households are more likely to suffer from period poverty due to period supplies being so pricey. It also does not help that there are still many states in the US that tax period supplies as a luxury, making pads/tampons that much more expensive.

Human dignity is not a luxury.

How to take action?

Fortunately, there are people and organizations working towards addressing this silent issue. These organizations collect and distribute menstrual products, focus on education women about periods/shattering the stigma surrounding it, or get involved with the government to have laws and policies in place to make school and public places more period friendly. Here is a list of such organizations:

Days for Girls

 The Pad Project:

Period The Menstrual Movement

 Alliance for Period Supplies

 There also may be local organizations or student groups local to you who are also in the fight against period poverty! A google search with your city and the terms period poverty should pull up a list.

Did you know?

  • 8 out of 10 women have started their periods unexpectedly in public. 96% of them leave immediately to obtain products. If you are a business or workplace you do NOT want this happening. This means loss of sales for your business or a reduction of your employees productivity.

  • Period Positive Workplaces can help organizations become stronger and more inclusive by providing period supplies in bathrooms.

  • Please contact me if you would like a free starter kit to place in your bathroom of your business or office.

    For more information about the benefits of having a Period Positive Workplace, visit